​Hone your skills indoors, then challenge them on the glacier!
After a successful training camp last year we will be returning to Belgium and Switzerland this summer. Starting with indoor slalom in Peer, then moving to the glacier in Saas Fee, this is a great camp to get a high volume of training in the summer months.
On this camp you will get a huge volume of skiing in gates, improving your slalom skills, gaining confidence in both stubbies and big gates in a controlled, consistent environment. We surround the indoor sessions with fun fitness and activities as well as video analysis and ski prep.
Suitable for minis, children & FIS.
Monday14th July - travelling, arrive in Peer
15th - 17th - three day block of training with two training sessions per day
18th - Day off skis- dryland activity
19th - 21st - three day block of training with two training sessions per day
21st - leave (evening after training)
22nd - travelling, arrive in Saas Fee
23rd - 1st August - skiing in Saas Fee 10 days
1st August - travel home
Details are all TBC at this stage but-
We plan to have vans driving out from the UK to Peer on the 14th and have several spaces available.
We will likely have one van heading home on the 21st. With one continuing on to Saas Fee.
There will be an accompanying flight back to UK on the evening of the 1st August:
TBC but likely Douglas Crawford, Grant Dillon, Tara Bell, Charlie Luke
Hotel De Watermolen, Monshofstraat 9/A, 3950 Bocholt, Belgium
This hotel has a great set up for race teams- where Dave Ryding stays, lots of activities
and things to do with good ski room and friendly staff.
TBC Hotel Ambiente, Mischistrasse 45, 3906 Saas-Fee, Switzerland.
A nice hotel very close to the lift and also close to the sports grounds for afternoon