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Children & FIS Camps

What to expect

Our camps offer world class coaching both in and out of the gates, along with off hill fitness and other adventure activities.


Example of a day on camp


The below is just an average day with CDC - timings and schedule differs dependent on camp venue and time of year (during our summer glacier camps it is only possible to ski in the mornings for instance) but this will give you an overview of the experience your child will get with us at CDC


06:30 Wake Up (coach wake up as phones are handed in at night at 9pm and charged overnight by staff)


06:45 Morning Activation - varied coordination, balance and motor skills to warm the body up ready for skiing.


07:00 Breakfast


07:30 Leave


08:00 - 09:00 Free Skiing. Divided up into small groups - organised the night before and normally related to the skills the individual athlete needs to work on - eg if an athlete has a tendency to fall inside then they need to address separation, creating a banana shaped bend in the body where more pressure starts over the outside ski at the top of the turn. They will be in a group of athletes needing to work on the same skills. The coach will have a variety of exercises and drills to support the development in this area whilst demo-ing him or herself. 


09:00 (Supported) Course Inspection - we also do unsupported course inspection in training so that athletes learn to take ownership of the course and its rhythms.


09:00 - 12:00 Gate Training - with the option for a morning break. Feedback given at the bottom of every run and radio connection to the start means athletes are reminded what to work on before they ski the course. We also regularly video so that athletes have a visual reminder of what they are working and also what they have achieved through the camp. At the end of the camp these are uploaded onto athletes individual hard drives (we suggest ones such as which are already set up to be MAC compatible and the best runs or those with significant turns are highlighted with a blue dot. We encourage athletes to share their skiing and improvements with their parents on return by going through their blue dotted runs.


12:00 - 13:00 Lunch


13:00 - 15:00 Depending on conditions and fatigue levels this is either another free ski session always ending with fun runs where we explore the terrain - jumps, bumps and safe off piste. Or a second in gates session.


15:30 - 16:30 Rest/School work


16:30 Fitness - varied - optional sessions include core, balance, co-ordination, games, flexibility, yoga and meditation 


17:30 - 18:30 Video Sessions - both individual and groups focusing on the positives and opportunities for tomorrow and also Ski Tuning with coach assistance.


18:30 Dinner


19:45 Team Meeting and Optional Diary work (we encourage athletes to bring a pen and pad to note the following: 3 things they did well today, 3 opportunities for tomorrow and 1 thing that made them laugh) This is to ensure every day is a learning and personal development experience.


20:00 We encourage group games - cards, whose in the bag etc


21:00 Phones handed in and athletes in bedrooms


21:30 Houseparent check

Thank you for your interest in CDC Performance. 






Dougie Crawford & Chemmy Alcott

CDC Performance

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