CDC Ski Club
In order to represent CDC as your nominated club for BASS or FIS points you must join as a member. Along with helping CDC grow as a club, the fee helps contribute towards the insurance cost as a Snowsport England registered club. We would love to ask parents to help support the club by joining as a family.
There are two options for membership:
Individual - £20
Allows you access to the club sessions and camps. You will be affiliated through the ski club to Snowsport England and can then be listed on BASS lists and compete at events as a CDC member.
Family - £50
allowing you access to the club sessions and camps. You will be affiliated through the ski club to Snowsport England and can then be listed on BASS lists and compete at events as a CDC member.
A family can consist of up to four people living at the same address.
The small membership fee covers (among other things) the cost of registering the Club with Snowsport England. Bonus: As a member of the CDC Family you'll always hear first about our new camps that we're releasing!

Documents for your Information
Complaints & Disciplinary Procedure - Download
Safeguarding Policy - Download
Safeguarding Contacts - Download
Anti-Bullying Policy - Download

Data Protection. CDC Ski Club will use the information provided, as well as other information it obtains about your child/children to administer their snowsports activities at this Club and in any other activities in which they participate, to care for and supervise activities in which they are involved. In some cases this may require the Club to disclose the information to Snowsport England. In the event of a medical or child safeguarding issue arising, CDC Ski Club may disclose certain information to doctors and other medical specialists and/or to police, children’s social care, the courts and/or probation offices and potentially, to legal and other advisers involved in an investigation. As the person completing this form, you must ensure each person whose information you include in this form knows what will happen to their information and how it may be disclosed.